You know what I've also been loving lately? No, not Pinterest. Well, yes. Pinterest. But that's not what I was going to say.

I used to listen to them A LOT in the mid-1990's. And I was a huge fan of Uncle Tupelo. I guess I got into some other stuff and put Wilco aside for awhile. Until the other day when I saw this really REALLY bad parallel parking job. My husband and I were sitting in front of a restaurant sipping some Rosé and waiting for a table. And in front of us was this exploration in parking that was really REALLY special. When it was all said and done I was singing in my head a little song from Wilco called "I Must Be High". The next day I gave that record a listen. Then I moved on to the new record. Needless to say, I have a lot of catching up to do. One could say it's like finding out about a new/old band. You have an entire catalog of music to dive into. So I've been diving. Diving and Printing.